maa-ee ree man mayro matvaaro
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1225-11)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI rI mnu myro mqvwro ] pyiK dieAwl And suK pUrn hir ris ripE Kumwro ]1] rhwau ] Gazing upon the Merciful Lord, I am filled with bliss and peace; imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, I am intoxicated. ||1||Pause|| inrml Bey aUjl jsu gwvq bhuir n hovq kwro ] I have become spotless and pure, singing the Sacred Praises of the Lord; I shall never again be dirtied. crn kml isau forI rwcI ByitE purKu Apwro ]1] My awareness is focused on the Lotus Feet of God; I have met the Infinite, Supreme Being. ||1|| kru gih lIny srbsu dIny dIpk BieE aujwro ] Taking me by the hand, He has given me everything; He has lit up my lamp. nwnk nwim risk bYrwgI kulh smUhW qwro ]2]87]110] O Nanak, savoring the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I have become detached; my generations have been carried across as well. ||2||87||110|| |