maa-ee ree aan simar mar jaaNhi
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1225-14)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI rI Awn ismir mir jWih ] iqAwig goibdu jIAn ko dwqw mwieAw sMig lptwih ]1] rhwau ] Forsaking the Lord of the Universe, the Giver of souls, the mortal is engrossed and entangled in Maya. ||1||Pause|| nwmu ibswir clih An mwrig nrk Gor mih pwih ] Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he walks on some other path, and falls into the most horrible hell. Aink sjWeI gxq n AwvY grBY griB BRmwih ]1] He suffers uncounted punishments, and wanders from womb to womb in reincarnation. ||1|| sy DnvMqy sy piqvMqy hir kI srix smwih ] They alone are wealthy, and they alone are honorable, who are absorbed in the Sanctuary of the Lord. gur pRswid nwnk jgu jIiqE bhuir n Awvih jWih ]2]88]111] By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, they conquer the world; they do not come and go in reincarnation ever again. ||2||88||111|| |