maa-ee mohi pareetam dayh milaa-ee
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1267-13)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI moih pRIqmu dyhu imlweI ] sgl shylI suK Bir sUqI ijh Gir lwlu bsweI ]1] rhwau ] All my friends and companions sleep totally in peace; their Beloved Lord has come into the homes of their hearts. ||1||Pause|| moih Avgn pRBu sdw dieAwlw moih inrguin ikAw cqurweI ] I am worthless; God is forever Merciful. I am unworthy; what clever tricks could I try? krau brwbir jo ipRA sMig rwq^ØI ieh haumY kI FITweI ]1] I claim to be on a par with those who are imbued with the Love of their Beloved. This is my stubborn egotism. ||1|| BeI inmwxI srin iek qwkI gur siqgur purK suKdweI ] I am dishonored - I seek the Sanctuary of the One, the Guru, the True Guru, the Primal Being, the Giver of peace. eyk inmK mih myrw sBu duKu kwitAw nwnk suiK rYin ibhweI ]2]2]6] In an instant, all my pains have been taken away; Nanak passes the night of his life in peace. ||2||2||6|| |