maa-ee mai kihi biDh lakha-o gusaa-ee

soriT mhlw 9 ] (632-13)
sorath mehlaa 9.
Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl:

mweI mY ikih ibiD lKau gusweI ]
maa-ee mai kihi biDh lakha-o gusaa-ee.
O mother, how can I see the Lord of the world?

mhw moh AigAwin iqmir mo mnu rihE aurJweI ]1] rhwau ]
mahaa moh agi-aan timar mo man rahi-o urjhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the utter darkness of emotional attachment and spiritual ignorance, my mind remains entangled. ||1||Pause||

sgl jnm Brm hI Brm KoieE nh AsiQru miq pweI ]
sagal janam bharam hee bharam kho-i-o nah asthir mat paa-ee.
Deluded by doubt, I have wasted my whole life; I have not obtained a stable intellect.

ibiKAwskq rihE ins bwsur nh CUtI ADmweI ]1]
bikhi-aaskat rahi-o nis baasur nah chhootee aDhmaa-ee. ||1||
I remain under the influence of corrupting sins, night and day, and I have not renounced wickedness. ||1||

swDsMgu kbhU nhI kInw nh kIriq pRB gweI ]
saaDhsang kabhoo nahee keenaa nah keerat parabh gaa-ee.
I never joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and I did not sing the Kirtan of God's Praises.

jn nwnk mY nwih koaU gunu rwiK lyhu srnweI ]2]6]
jan naanak mai naahi ko-oo gun raakh layho sarnaa-ee. ||2||6||
O servant Nanak, I have no virtues at all; keep me in Your Sanctuary, Lord. ||2||6||