maa-ee mayray man kee pi-aas
tofI mÚ 5 ] (716-17)todee mehlaa 5. Todee, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI myry mn kI ipAws ] ieku iKnu rih n skau ibnu pRIqm drsn dyKn kau DwrI min Aws ] rhwau ] I cannot survive, even for an instant, without my Beloved. My mind is filled with the desire to behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||Pause|| ismrau nwmu inrMjn krqy mn qn qy siB iklivK nws ] I meditate in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the immaculate Creator Lord; all the sins and errors of my mind and body are washed away. pUrn pwrbRhm suKdwqy AibnwsI ibml jw ko jws ]1] The Perfect Supreme Lord God, the eternal, imperishable Giver of peace - spotless and pure are His Praises. ||1|| sMq pRswid myry pUr mnorQ kir ikrpw Byty guxqws ] By the Grace of the Saints, my desires have been fulfilled; in His Mercy, the Lord, the treasure of virtue, has met me. sWiq shj sUK min aupijE koit sUr nwnk prgws ]2]5]24] Peace and tranquility, poise and pleasure, have welled up within my mind; millions of suns, O Nanak, illuminate me. ||2||5||24|| |