maa-ee mayray man kee pareet
tofI mhlw 5 ] (716-6)todee mehlaa 5. Todee, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI myry mn kI pRIiq ] eyhI krm Drm jp eyhI rwm nwm inrml hY rIiq ] rhwau ] This is my karma and my Dharma; this is my meditation. The Lord's Name is my immaculate, unstained way of life. ||Pause|| pRwn ADwr jIvn Dn morY dyKn kau drsn pRB nIiq ] The Support of my breath of life, the wealth of my life, is to gaze upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. bwt Gwt qosw sMig morY mn Apuny kau mY hir sKw kIq ]1] On the road, and on the river, these supplies are always with me. I have made my mind the Lord's companion. ||1|| sMq pRswid Bey mn inrml kir ikrpw Apuny kir lIq ] By the Grace of the Saints, my mind has become immaculate and pure. In His mercy, He has made me His own. ismir ismir nwnk suKu pwieAw Awid jugwid Bgqn ky mIq ]2]2]21] Remembering, remembering Him in meditation, Nanak has found peace. From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the friend of His devotees. ||2||2||21|| |