maa-ee Dheer rahee pari-a bahut biraagi-o
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1203-17)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI DIir rhI ipRA bhuqu ibrwigE ] Aink BWiq AwnUp rMg ry iqn@ isau rucY n lwigE ]1] rhwau ] There are so many kinds of incomparable pleasures, but I am not interested in any of them. ||1||Pause|| inis bwsur ipRA ipRA muiK tyrau n^ØId plk nhI jwigE ] Night and day, I utter, "Pri-a, Pri-a - Beloved, Beloved" with my mouth. I cannot sleep, even for an instant; I remain awake and aware. hwr kjr bsqR Aink sIgwr ry ibnu ipr sBY ibKu lwigE ]1] Necklaces, eye make-up, fancy clothes and decorations - without my Husband Lord, these are all poison to me. ||1|| pUCau pUCau dIn BWiq kir koaU khY ipRA dysWigE ] I ask and ask, with humility, "Who can tell me which country my Husband Lord lives in?" hINEu dyNau sBu mnu qnu Arpau sIsu crx pir rwiKE ]2] I would dedicate my heart to him, I offer my mind and body and everything; I place my head at his feet. ||2|| crx bMdnw Amol dwsro dyNau swDsMgiq ArdwigE ] I bow at the feet of the voluntary slave of the Lord; I beg him to bless me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. krhu ik®pw moih pRBU imlwvhu inmK drsu pyKwigE ]3] Show Mercy to me, that I may meet God, and gaze upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan every moment. ||3|| idRsit BeI qb BIqir AwieE myrw mnu Anidnu sIqlwigE ] When He is Kind to me, He comes to dwell within my being. Night and day, my mind is calm and peaceful. khu nwnk ris mMgl gwey sbdu Anwhdu bwijE ]4]5] Says Nanak, I sing the Songs of Joy; the Unstruck Word of the Shabad resounds within me. ||4||5|| |