maa-ee charan gur meethay
tofI mhlw 5 ] (717-9)todee mehlaa 5. Todee, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI crn gur mITy ] vfY Bwig dyvY prmysru koit Plw drsn gur fITy ] rhwau ] By great good fortune, the Transcendent Lord has blessed me with them. Millions of rewards come from the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. ||Pause|| gun gwvq Acuq AibnwsI kwm k®oD ibnsy md FITy ] Singing the Glorious Praises of the imperishable, indestructible Lord, sexual desire, anger and stubborn pride vanish. AsiQr Bey swc rMig rwqy jnm mrn bwhuir nhI pITy ]1] Those who are imbued with the Love of the True Lord become permanent and eternal; birth and death do not grind them down any more. ||1|| ibnu hir Bjn rMg rs jyqy sMq dieAwl jwny siB JUTy ] Without the Lord's meditation, all joys and pleasures are totally false and worthless; by the Kind Mercy of the Saints, I know this. nwm rqnu pwieE jn nwnk nwm ibhUn cly siB mUTy ]2]8]27] Servant Nanak has found the jewel of the Naam; without the Naam, all must depart, cheated and plundered. ||2||8||27|| |