maa-ee sat sat sat har sat sat sat saaDhaa
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1204-5)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
mweI siq siq siq hir siq siq siq swDw ] bcnu gurU jo pUrY kihE mY CIik gWTrI bwDw ]1] rhwau ] The Word which the Perfect Guru has spoken, I have tied to my robe. ||1||Pause|| inis bwsur niKAqR ibnwsI riv ssIAr bynwDw ] Night and day, and the stars in the sky shall vanish. The sun and the moon shall vanish. igir bsuDw jl pvn jwiego ieik swD bcn AtlwDw ]1] The mountains, the earth, the water and the air shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint shall endure. ||1|| AMf ibnwsI jyr ibnwsI auqBuj syq ibnwDw ] Those born of eggs shall pass away, and those born of the womb shall pass away. Those born of the earth and sweat shall pass away as well. cwir ibnwsI Ktih ibnwsI ieik swD bcn inhclwDw ]2] The four Vedas shall pass away, and the six Shaastras shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint is eternal. ||2|| rwj ibnwsI qwm ibnwsI swqku BI bynwDw ] Raajas, the quality of energetic activity shall pass away. Taamas, the quality of lethargic darkness shall pass away. Saatvas, the quality of peaceful light shall pass away as well. idRsitmwn hY sgl ibnwsI ieik swD bcn AwgwDw ]3] All that is seen shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint is beyond destruction. ||3|| Awpy Awip Awp hI Awpy sBu Awpn Kylu idKwDw ] He Himself is Himself by Himself. All that is seen is His play. pwieE n jweI khI BWiq ry pRBu nwnk gur imil lwDw ]4]6] He cannot be found by any means. O Nanak, meeting with the Guru, God is found. ||4||6|| |