mai anDhulay har naam lakutee tohnee
sUhI mhlw 1 ] (752-15)soohee mehlaa 1. Soohee, First Mehl: |
mnhu n nwmu ivswir Aihinis iDAweIAY ] ijau rwKih ikrpw Dwir iqvY suKu pweIAY ]1] As You keep me, in Your Merciful Grace, so do I find peace. ||1|| mY AMDuly hir nwmu lkutI tohxI ] I am blind, and the Lord's Name is my cane. rhau swihb kI tyk n mohY mohxI ]1] rhwau ] I remain under the Sheltering Support of my Lord and Master; I am not enticed by Maya the enticer. ||1||Pause|| jh dyKau qh nwil guir dyKwilAw ] Wherever I look, there the Guru has shown me that God is always with me. AMqir bwhir Bwil sbid inhwilAw ]2] Searching inwardly and outwardly as well, I came to see Him, through the Word of the Shabad. ||2|| syvI siqgur Bwie nwmu inrMjnw ] So serve the True Guru with love, through the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord. quDu BwvY iqvY rjwie Brmu Bau BMjnw ]3] As it pleases You, so by Your Will, You destroy my doubts and fears. ||3|| jnmq hI duKu lwgY mrxw Awie kY ] At the very moment of birth, he is afflicted with pain, and in the end, he comes only to die. jnmu mrxu prvwxu hir gux gwie kY ]4] Birth and death are validated and approved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4|| hau nwhI qU hovih quD hI swijAw ] When there is no ego, there You are; You fashioned all of this. Awpy Qwip auQwip sbid invwijAw ]5] You Yourself establish and disestablish; through the Word of Your Shabad, You elevate and exalt. ||5|| dyhI Bsm rulwie n jwpI kh gieAw ] When the body rolls in the dust, it is not known where the soul has gone. Awpy rihAw smwie so ivsmwdu BieAw ]6] He Himself is permeating and pervading; this is wonderful and amazing! ||6|| qUM nwhI pRB dUir jwxih sB qU hY ] You are not far away, God; You know everything. gurmuiK vyiK hdUir AMqir BI qU hY ]7] The Gurmukh sees You ever-present; You are deep within the nucleus of our inner self. ||7|| mY dIjY nwm invwsu AMqir sWiq hoie ] Please, bless me with a home in Your Name; may my inner self be at peace. gux gwvY nwnk dwsu siqguru miq dyie ]8]3]5] May slave Nanak sing Your Glorious Praises; O True Guru, please share the Teachings with me. ||8||3||5|| |