parabh milbay kee chaah
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1272-2)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
mnu GnY BRmY bnY ] aumik qris cwlY ] It walks with eagerness and love, pRB imlby kI cwh ]1] rhwau ] hoping to meet God. ||1||Pause|| qRY gun mweI moih AweI khMau bydn kwih ]1] Maya with her three gunas - the three dispositions - has come to entice me; whom can I tell of my pain? ||1|| Awn aupwv sgr kIey nih dUK swkih lwih ] I tried everything else, but nothing could rid me of my sorrow. Bju srin swDU nwnkw imlu gun goibMdih gwih ]2]2]24] So hurry to the Sanctuary of the Holy, O Nanak; joining them, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. ||2||2||24|| |