man biraagaigee
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1230-15)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
min ibrwgYgI ] KojqI drswr ]1] rhwau ] swDU sMqn syiv kY ipRau hIArY iDAwieE ] Serving the Holy Saints, I meditate on my Beloved within my heart. Awn�d rUpI pyiK kY hau mhlu pwvaugI ]1] Gazing upon the Embodiment of Ecstasy, I rise to the Mansion of His Presence. ||1|| kwm krI sB iqAwig kY hau srix praugI ] I work for Him; I have forsaken everything else. I seek only His Sanctuary. nwnk suAwmI gir imly hau gur mnwvaugI ]2]7]136] O Nanak, my Lord and Master hugs me close in His Embrace; the Guru is pleased and satisfied with me. ||2||7||136|| |