man tan parabh aaraaDhee-ai mil saaDh samaagai
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (817-19)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
min qin pRBu AwrwDIAY imil swD smwgY ] aucrq gun gopwl jsu dUr qy jmu BwgY ]1] Chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, the Messenger of Death runs far away. ||1|| rwm nwmu jo jnu jpY Anidnu sd jwgY ] That humble being who chants the Lord's Name, remains always awake and aware, night and day. qMqu mMqu nh joheI iqqu cwKu n lwgY ]1] rhwau ] He is not affected by charms and spells, nor is he harmed by the evil eye. ||1||Pause|| kwm k®oD md mwn moh ibnsy AnrwgY ] Sexual desire, anger, the intoxication of egotism and emotional attachment are dispelled, by loving devotion. Awn�d mgn ris rwm rMig nwnk srnwgY ]2]4]68] One who enters the Lord's Sanctuary, O Nanak, remains merged in ecstasy in the subtle essence of the Lord's Love. ||2||4||68|| |