man tan jaapee-ai bhagvaan

kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-17)
kali-aan mehlaa 5.
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

min qin jwpIAY Bgvwn ]
man tan jaapee-ai bhagvaan.
Within my mind and body I meditate on the Lord God.

gur pUry supRsMn Bey sdw sUK kilAwn ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooray suparsan bha-ay sadaa sookh kali-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru is pleased and satisfied; I am blessed with eternal peace and happiness. ||1||Pause||

srb kwrj isiD Bey gwie gun gupwl ]
sarab kaaraj siDh bha-ay gaa-ay gun gupaal.
All affairs are successfuly resolved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World.

imil swDsMgiq pRBU ismry nwiTAw duK kwl ]1]
mil saaDhsangat parabhoo simray naathi-aa dukh kaal. ||1||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I dwell upon God, and the pain of death is taken away. ||1||

kir ikrpw pRB myirAw krau idnu rYin syv ]
kar kirpaa parabh mayri-aa kara-o din rain sayv.
Please take pity on me, O my God, that I may serve You day and night.

nwnk dws srxwgqI hir purK pUrn dyv ]2]5]8]
naanak daas sarnaagatee har purakh pooran dayv. ||2||5||8||
Slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord, the Perfect, Divine Primal Being. ||2||5||8||