man ray naam ko sukh saar
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1223-10)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
mn ry nwm ko suK swr ] Awn kwm ibkwr mwieAw sgl dIsih Cwr ]1] rhwau ] Other affairs of Maya are corrupt. They are nothing more than dust. ||1||Pause|| igRih AMD kUp piqq pRwxI nrk Gor gubwr ] The mortal has fallen into the deep dark pit of household attachment; it is a horrible, dark hell. Aink jonI BRmq hwirE BRmq bwrM bwr ]1] He wanders in various incarnations, growing weary; he wanders through them again and again. ||1|| piqq pwvn Bgiq bCl dIn ikrpw Dwr ] O Purifier of sinners, O Lover of Your devotees, please shower Your Mercy on Your meek servant. kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY swDsMig auDwr ]2]76]99] With palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing: O Lord, please save me in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||76||99|| |