man ray ka-un kumat tai leenee
soriT mhlw 9 ] (631-17)sorath mehlaa 9. Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl: |
mn ry kaunu kumiq qY lInI ] pr dwrw inMidAw rs ricE rwm Bgiq nih kInI ]1] rhwau ] You are engrossed in the pleasures of other men's wives, and slander; you have not worshipped the Lord at all. ||1||Pause|| mukiq pMQu jwinE qY nwhin Dn jorn kau DwieAw ] You do not know the way to liberation, but you run all around chasing wealth. AMiq sMg kwhU nhI dInw ibrQw Awpu bMDwieAw ]1] In the end, nothing shall go along with you; you have entrapped yourself in vain. ||1|| nw hir BijE n gur jnu syivE nh aupijE kCu igAwnw ] You have not meditated or vibrated upon the Lord; you have not served the Guru, or His humble servants; spiritual wisdom has not welled up within you. Gt hI mwih inrMjnu qyrY qY Kojq auidAwnw ]2] The Immaculate Lord is within your heart, and yet you search for Him in the wilderness. ||2|| bhuqu jnm Brmq qY hwirE AsiQr miq nhI pweI ] You have wandered through many many births; you are exhausted but have still not found a way out of this endless cycle. mwns dyh pwie pd hir Bju nwnk bwq bqweI ]3]3] Now that you have obtained this human body, meditate on the Lord's Feet; Nanak advises with this advice. ||3||3|| |