man mayri-aa too sadaa sach samaal jee-o
vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (569-5)vad-hans mehlaa 3. Wadahans, Third Mehl: |
mn myirAw qU sdw scu smwil jIau ] AwpxY Gir qU suiK vsih poih n skY jmkwlu jIau ] Dwell in peace in the home of your own self, and the Messenger of Death shall not touch you. kwlu jwlu jmu joih n swkY swcY sbid ilv lwey ] The noose of the Messenger of Death shall not touch you, when you embrace love for the True Word of the Shabad. sdw sic rqw mnu inrmlu Awvxu jwxu rhwey ] Ever imbued with the True Lord, the mind becomes immaculate, and its coming and going is ended. dUjY Bwie Brim ivguqI mnmuiK mohI jmkwil ] The love of duality and doubt have ruined the self-willed manmukh, who is lured away by the Messenger of Death. khY nwnku suix mn myry qU sdw scu smwil ]1] Says Nanak, listen, O my mind: contemplate the True Lord forever. ||1|| mn myirAw AMqir qyrY inDwnu hY bwhir vsqu n Bwil ] O my mind, the treasure is within you; do not search for it on the outside. jo BwvY so BuMic qU gurmuiK ndir inhwil ] Eat only that which is pleasing to the Lord, and as Gurmukh, receive the blessing of His Glance of Grace. gurmuiK ndir inhwil mn myry AMqir hir nwmu sKweI ] As Gurmukh, receive the blessing of His Glance of Grace, O my mind; the Name of the Lord, your help and support, is within you. mnmuK AMDuly igAwn ivhUxy dUjY Bwie KuAweI ] The self-willed manmukhs are blind, and devoid of wisdom; they are ruined by the love of duality. ibnu nwvY ko CUtY nwhI sB bwDI jmkwil ] Without the Name, no one is emancipated. All are bound by the Messenger of Death. nwnk AMqir qyrY inDwnu hY qU bwhir vsqu n Bwil ]2] O Nanak, the treasure is within you; do not search for it on the outside. ||2|| mn myirAw jnmu pdwrQu pwie kY ieik sic lgy vwpwrw ] O my mind, obtaining the blessing of this human birth, some are engaged in the trade of Truth. siqguru syvin Awpxw AMqir sbdu Apwrw ] They serve their True Guru, and the Infinite Word of the Shabad resounds within them. AMqir sbdu Apwrw hir nwmu ipAwrw nwmy nau iniD pweI ] Within them is the Infinite Shabad, and the Beloved Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Naam, the nine treasures are obtained. mnmuK mwieAw moh ivAwpy dUiK sMqwpy dUjY piq gvweI ] The self-willed manmukhs are engrossed in emotional attachment to Maya; they suffer in pain, and through duality, they lose their honor. haumY mwir sic sbid smwxy sic rqy AiDkweI ] But those who conquer their ego, and merge in the True Shabad, are totally imbued with Truth. nwnk mwxs jnmu dul�Bu hY siqguir bUJ buJweI ]3] O Nanak, it is so difficult to obtain this human life; the True Guru imparts this understanding. ||3|| mn myry siqguru syvin Awpxw sy jn vfBwgI rwm ] O my mind, those who serve their True Guru are the most fortunate beings. jo mnu mwrih Awpxw sy purK bYrwgI rwm ] Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment. sy jn bYrwgI sic ilv lwgI Awpxw Awpu pCwixAw ] They are beings of renunciation and detachment, who lovingly focus their consciousness on the True Lord; they realize and understand their own selves. miq inhcl Aiq gUVI gurmuiK shjy nwmu vKwixAw ] Their intellect is steady, deep and profound; as Gurmukh, they naturally chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. iek kwmix ihqkwrI mwieAw moih ipAwrI mnmuK soie rhy ABwgy ] Some are lovers of beautiful young women; emotional attachment to Maya is very dear to them. The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs remain asleep. nwnk shjy syvih guru Apxw sy pUry vfBwgy ]4]3] O Nanak, those who intuitively serve their Guru, have perfect destiny. ||4||3|| |