har akath kathaa kaa jin ras chaakhi-aa tis jan sabh bhookh lahantee

nt mhlw 4 ] (977-13)
nat mehlaa 4.
Nat, Fourth Mehl:

mn imlu sMqsMgiq suBvMqI ]
man mil santsangat subhvantee.
O mind, join the Society of the Saints, and become noble and exalted.

suin AkQ kQw suKvMqI ]
sun akath kathaa sukhvantee.
Listen to the Unspoken Speech of the peace-giving Lord.

sB iklivK pwp lhMqI ]
sabh kilvikh paap lahantee.
All sins will be washed away.

hir ho ho ho ilKqu ilKMqI ]1] rhwau ]
har ho ho ho likhat likhantee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meet with the Lord, according to your pre-ordained destiny. ||1||Pause||

hir kIriq kljug ivic aUqm miq gurmiq kQw BjMqI ]
har keerat kaljug vich ootam mat gurmat kathaa bhajantee.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is lofty and exalted. Following the Guru's Teachings, the intellect dwells on the sermon of the Lord.

ijin jin suxI mnI hY ijin jin iqsu jn kY hau kurbwnïż½qI ]1]
jin jan sunee manee hai jin jan tis jan kai ha-o kurbaanantee. ||1||
I am a sacrifice to that person who listens and believes. ||1||

hir AkQ kQw kw ijin rsu cwiKAw iqsu jn sB BUK lhMqI ]
har akath kathaa kaa jin ras chaakhi-aa tis jan sabh bhookh lahantee.
One who tastes the sublime essence of the Unspoken Speech of the Lord - all his hunger is satisfied.

nwnk jn hir kQw suix iqRpqy jip hir hir hir hovMqI ]2]2]8]
naanak jan har kathaa sun tariptai jap har har har hovantee. ||2||2||8||
Servant Nanak listens to the sermon of the Lord, and is satisfied; chanting the Lord's Name, Har, Har, Har, he has become like the Lord. ||2||2||8||