man maahee man maahee mayray govindaa har rang rataa man maahee jee-o
gauVI mwJ mhlw 4 ] (173-16)ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 4. Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl: |
mn mwhI mn mwhI myry goivMdw hir rMig rqw mn mwhI jIau ] hir rMgu nwil n lKIAY myry goivdw guru pUrw AlKu lKwhI jIau ] The Lord's Love is with me, but it cannot be seen, O my Lord of the Universe; the Perfect Guru has led me to see the unseen. hir hir nwmu prgwisAw myry goivMdw sB dwld duK lih jwhI jIau ] He has revealed the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my Lord of the Universe; all poverty and pain have departed. hir pdu aUqmu pwieAw myry goivMdw vfBwgI nwim smwhI jIau ]1] I have obtained the supreme status of the Lord, O my Lord of the Universe; by great good fortune, I am absorbed in the Naam. ||1|| nYxI myry ipAwirAw nYxI myry goivdw iknY hir pRBu ifTVw nYxI jIau ] With his eyes, O my Beloved, with his eyes, O my Lord of the Universe - has anyone ever seen the Lord God with his eyes? myrw mnu qnu bhuqu bYrwigAw myry goivMdw hir bwJhu Dn kumlYxI jIau ] My mind and body are sad and depressed, O my Lord of the Universe; without her Husband Lord, the soul-bride is withering away. sMq jnw imil pwieAw myry goivdw myrw hir pRBu sjxu sYxI jIau ] Meeting the Saints, O my Lord of the Universe, I have found my Lord God, my Companion, my Best Friend. hir Awie imilAw jgjIvnu myry goivMdw mY suiK ivhwxI rYxI jIau ]2] The Lord, the Life of the World, has come to meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. The night of my life now passes in peace. ||2|| mY mylhu sMq myrw hir pRBu sjxu mY min qin BuK lgweIAw jIau ] O Saints, unite me with my Lord God, my Best Friend; my mind and body are hungry for Him. hau rih n skau ibnu dyKy myry pRIqm mY AMqir ibrhu hir lweIAw jIau ] I cannot survive without seeing my Beloved; deep within, I feel the pain of separation from the Lord. hir rwieAw myrw sjxu ipAwrw guru myly myrw mnu jIvweIAw jIau ] The Sovereign Lord King is my Beloved, my Best Friend. Through the Guru, I have met Him, and my mind has been rejuvenated. myrY min qin Awsw pUrIAw myry goivMdw hir imilAw min vwDweIAw jIau ]3] The hopes of my mind and body have been fulfilled, O my Lord of the Universe; meeting the Lord, my mind vibrates with joy. ||3|| vwrI myry goivMdw vwrI myry ipAwirAw hau quDu ivtiVAhu sd vwrI jIau ] A sacrifice, O my Lord of the Universe, a sacrifice, O my Beloved; I am forever a sacrifice to You. myrY min qin pRymu iprMm kw myry goivdw hir pUMjI rwKu hmwrI jIau ] My mind and body are filled with love for my Husband Lord; O my Lord of the Universe, please preserve my assets. siqguru ivstu myil myry goivMdw hir myly kir rYbwrI jIau ] Unite me with the True Guru, Your Advisor, O my Lord of the Universe; through His guidance, He shall lead me to the Lord. hir nwmu dieAw kir pwieAw myry goivMdw jn nwnku srix qumwrI jIau ]4]3]29]67] I have obtained the Lord's Name, by Your Mercy, O my Lord of the Universe; servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary. ||4||3||29||67|| |