it sanjam parabh kin hee na paa-i-aa

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1348-1)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

mn mih k®oDu mhw AhMkwrw ]
man meh kroDh mahaa ahaNkaaraa.
Within the mind dwell anger and massive ego.

pUjw krih bhuqu ibsQwrw ]
poojaa karahi bahut bisthaaraa.
Worship services are performed with great pomp and ceremony.

kir iesnwnu qin ck® bxwey ]
kar isnaan tan chakar banaa-ay.
Ritual cleansing baths are taken, and sacred marks are applied to the body.

AMqr kI mlu kb hI n jwey ]1]
antar kee mal kab hee na jaa-ay. ||1||
But still, the filth and pollution within never depart. ||1||

iequ sMjim pRBu ikn hI n pwieAw ]
it sanjam parabh kin hee na paa-i-aa.
No one has ever found God in this way.

BgauqI mudRw mnu moihAw mwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
bhag-utee mudraa man mohi-aa maa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sacred mudras - ritualistic hand gestures - are made, but the mind remains enticed by Maya. ||1||Pause||

pwp krih pMcW ky bis ry ]
paap karahi panchaaN kay bas ray.
They commit sins, under the influence of the five thieves.

qIriQ nwie khih siB auqry ]
tirath naa-ay kaheh sabh utray.
They bathe at sacred shrines, and claim that everything has been washed off.

bhuir kmwvih hoie insMk ]
bahur kamaaveh ho-ay nisank.
Then they commit them again, without fear of the consequences.

jm puir bWiD Kry kwl�k ]2]
jam pur baaNDh kharay kaalank. ||2||
The sinners are bound and gagged, and taken to the City of Death. ||2||

GUGr bwiD bjwvih qwlw ]
ghooghar baaDh bajaaveh taalaa.
The ankle-bells shake and the cymbals vibrate,

AMqir kptu iPrih byqwlw ]
antar kapat fireh baytaalaa.
but those who have deception within wander lost like demons.

vrmI mwrI swpu n mUAw ]
varmee maaree saap na moo-aa.
By destroying its hole, the snake is not killed.

pRBu sB ikCu jwnY ijin qU kIAw ]3]
parabh sabh kichh jaanai jin too kee-aa. ||3||
God, who created you, knows everything. ||3||

pUMAr qwp gyrI ky bsqRw ]
pooNar taap gayree kay bastaraa.
You worship fire and wear saffron colored robes.

Apdw kw mwirAw igRh qy nsqw ]
apdaa kaa maari-aa garih tay nastaa.
Stung by your misfortune, you abandon your home.

dysu Coif prdysih DwieAw ]
days chhod pardayseh Dhaa-i-aa.
Leaving your own country, you wander in foreign lands.

pMc cMfwl nwly lY AwieAw ]4]
panch chandaal naalay lai aa-i-aa. ||4||
But you bring the five rejects with you. ||4||

kwn Prwie ihrwey tUkw ]
kaan faraa-ay hiraa-ay tookaa.
You have split your ears, and now you steal crumbs.

Gir Gir mWgY iqRpqwvn qy cUkw ]
ghar ghar maaNgai tariptaavan tay chookaa.
You beg from door to door, but you fail to be satisfied.

binqw Coif bd ndir pr nwrI ]
banitaa chhod bad nadar par naaree.
You have abandoned your own wife, but now you sneak glances at other women.

vyis n pweIAY mhw duiKAwrI ]5]
vays na paa-ee-ai mahaa dukhi-aaree. ||5||
God is not found by wearing religious robes; you are utterly miserable! ||5||

bolY nwhI hoie bYTw monI ]
bolai naahee ho-ay baithaa monee.
He does not speak; he is on silence.

AMqir klp BvweIAY jonI ]
antar kalap bhavaa-ee-ai jonee.
But he is filled with desire; he is made to wander in reincarnation.

AMn qy rhqw duKu dyhI shqw ]
ann tay rahtaa dukh dayhee sahtaa.
Abstaining from food, his body suffers in pain.

hukmu n bUJY ivAwipAw mmqw ]6]
hukam na boojhai vi-aapi-aa mamtaa. ||6||
He does not realize the Hukam of the Lord's Command; he is afflicted by possessiveness. ||6||

ibnu siqgur iknY n pweI prm gqy ]
bin satgur kinai na paa-ee param gatay.
Without the True Guru, no one has attained the supreme status.

pUChu sgl byd isMimRqy ]
poochhahu sagal bayd simritay.
Go ahead and ask all the Vedas and the Simritees.

mnmuK krm krY AjweI ]
manmukh karam karai ajaa-ee.
The self-willed manmukhs do useless deeds.

ijau bwlU Gr Taur n TweI ]7]
ji-o baaloo ghar tha-ur na thaa-ee. ||7||
They are like a house of sand, which cannot stand. ||7||

ijs no Bey guoibMd dieAwlw ]
jis no bha-ay gobind da-i-aalaa.
One unto whom the Lord of the Universe becomes Merciful,

gur kw bcnu iqin bwiDE pwlw ]
gur kaa bachan tin baaDhi-o paalaa.
sews the Word of the Guru's Shabad into his robes.

koit mDy koeI sMqu idKwieAw ]
kot maDhay ko-ee sant dikhaa-i-aa.
Out of millions, it is rare that such a Saint is seen.

nwnku iqn kY sMig qrwieAw ]8]
naanak tin kai sang taraa-i-aa. ||8||
O Nanak, with him, we are carried across. ||8||

jy hovY Bwgu qw drsnu pweIAY ]
jay hovai bhaag taa darsan paa-ee-ai.
If one has such good destiny, then the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is obtained.

Awip qrY sBu kutMbu qrweIAY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]2]
aap tarai sabh kutamb taraa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||2||
He saves himself, and carries across all his family as well. ||1||SECOND PAUSE||2||