man ji-o apunay parabh bhaava-o
dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (529-8)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree Fifth Mehl: |
mn ijau Apuny pRB Bwvau ] nIchu nIcu nIcu Aiq nwn@w hoie grIbu bulwvau ]1] rhwau ] Become the lowest of the low, the very least of the tiny, and speak in utmost humility. ||1||Pause|| Aink AfMbr mwieAw ky ibrQy qw isau pRIiq Gtwvau ] The many ostentatious shows of Maya are useless; I withhold my love from these. ijau Apuno suAwmI suKu mwnY qw mih soBw pwvau ]1] As something pleases my Lord and Master, in that I find my glory. ||1|| dwsn dws ryxu dwsn kI jn kI thl kmwvau ] I am the slave of His slaves; becoming the dust of the feet of his slaves, I serve His humble servants. srb sUK bifAweI nwnk jIvau muKhu bulwvau ]2]5] I obtain all peace and greatness, O Nanak, living to chant His Name with my mouth. ||2||5|| |