man kee man hee maahi rahee
soriT mhlw 9 ] (631-14)sorath mehlaa 9. Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl: |
mn kI mn hI mwih rhI ] nw hir Bjy n qIrQ syvy cotI kwil ghI ]1] rhwau ] He does not meditate on the Lord, nor does he perform service at sacred shrines, and so death seizes him by the hair. ||1||Pause|| dwrw mIq pUq rQ sMpiq Dn pUrn sB mhI ] Wife, friends, children, carriages, property, total wealth, the entire world Avr sgl imiQAw ey jwnau Bjnu rwmu ko shI ]1] - know that all of these things are false. The Lord's meditation alone is true. ||1|| iPrq iPrq bhuqy jug hwirE mwns dyh lhI ] Wandering, wandering around for so many ages, he has grown weary, and finally, he obtained this human body. nwnk khq imln kI brIAw ismrq khw nhI ]2]2] Says Nanak, this is the opportunity to meet the Lord; why don't you remember Him in meditation? ||2||2|| |