man karhalaa gur govind samaal
gauVI mhlw 4 ] (234-15)ga-orhee mehlaa 4. Gauree, Fourth Mehl: |
mn krhlw vIcwrIAw vIcwir dyKu smwil ] bn iPir Qky bn vwsIAw ipru gurmiq irdY inhwil ]1] The forest-dwellers have grown weary of wandering in the forests; following the Guru's Teachings, see your Husband Lord within your heart. ||1|| mn krhlw gur goivMdu smwil ]1] rhwau ] O camel-like mind, dwell upon the Guru and the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause|| mn krhlw vIcwrIAw mnmuK PwiQAw mhw jwil ] O camel-like contemplative mind, the self-willed manmukhs are caught in the great net. gurmuiK pRwxI mukqu hY hir hir nwmu smwil ]2] The mortal who becomes Gurmukh is liberated, dwelling upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2|| mn krhlw myry ipAwirAw sqsMgiq siqguru Bwil ] O my dear beloved camel-like mind, seek the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and the True Guru. sqsMgiq lig hir iDAweIAY hir hir clY qyrY nwil ]3] Joining the Sat Sangat, meditate on the Lord, and the Lord, Har, Har, shall go along with you. ||3|| mn krhlw vfBwgIAw hir eyk ndir inhwil ] O very fortunate camel-like mind, with one Glance of Grace from the Lord, you shall be enraptured. Awip Cfwey CutIAY siqgur crx smwil ]4] If the Lord Himself saves you, then you shall be saved. Dwell upon the Feet of the True Guru. ||4|| mn krhlw myry ipAwirAw ivic dyhI joiq smwil ] O my dear beloved camel-like mind, dwell upon the Divine Light within the body. guir nau iniD nwmu ivKwilAw hir dwiq krI dieAwil ]5] The Guru has shown me the nine treasures of the Naam. The Merciful Lord has bestowed this gift. ||5|| mn krhlw qUM cMclw cqurweI Cif ivkrwil ] O camel-like mind, you are so fickle; give up your cleverness and corruption. hir hir nwmu smwil qUM hir mukiq kry AMq kwil ]6] Dwell upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; at the very last moment, the Lord shall liberate you. ||6|| mn krhlw vfBwgIAw qUM igAwnu rqnu smwil ] O camel-like mind, you are so very fortunate; dwell upon the jewel of spiritual wisdom. gur igAwnu KVgu hiQ DwirAw jmu mwirAVw jmkwil ]7] You hold in your hands the sword of the Guru's spiritual wisdom; with this destroyer of death, kill the Messenger of Death. ||7|| AMqir inDwnu mn krhly BRim Bvih bwhir Bwil ] The treasure is deep within, O camel-like mind, but you wander around outside in doubt, searching for it. guru purKu pUrw ByitAw hir sjxu lDVw nwil ]8] Meeting the Perfect Guru, the Primal Being, you shall discover that the Lord, your Best Friend, is with you. ||8|| rMig rqVy mn krhly hir rMgu sdw smwil ] You are engrossed in pleasures, O camel-like mind; dwell upon the Lord's lasting love instead! hir rMgu kdy n auqrY gur syvw sbdu smwil ]9] The color of the Lord's Love never fades away; serve the Guru, and dwell upon the Word of the Shabad. ||9|| hm pMKI mn krhly hir qrvru purKu Akwil ] We are birds, O camel-like mind; the Lord, the Immortal Primal Being, is the tree. vfBwgI gurmuiK pwieAw jn nwnk nwmu smwil ]10]2] The Gurmukhs are very fortunate - they find it. O servant Nanak, dwell upon the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||2|| |