man kahaa lubhaa-ee-ai aan ka-o
swrg mhlw 5 Gru 3 (1208-6)saarag mehlaa 5 ghar 3 Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Third House: |
mn khw luBweIAY Awn kau ] eIq aUq pRBu sdw shweI jIA sMig qyry kwm kau ]1] rhwau ] Here and hereafter, God is forever your Help and Support. He is your soul-mate; He will help you succeed. ||1||Pause|| AMimRq nwmu ipRA pRIiq mnohr iehY AGwvn pWn kau ] The Name of your Beloved Lover, the Fascinating Lord, is Ambrosial Nectar. Drinking it in, you shall find satisfaction. Akwl mUriq hY swD sMqn kI Twhr nIkI iDAwn kau ]1] The Being of Immortal Manifestation is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Meditate on Him in that most sublime place. ||1|| bwxI mMqRü mhw purKn kI mnih auqwrn mWn kau ] The Bani, the Word of the Supreme Lord God, is the greatest Mantra of all. It eradicates pride from the mind. Koij lihE nwnk suK QwnW hir nwmw ibsRwm kau ]2]1]20] Searching, Nanak found the home of peace and bliss in the Name of the Lord. ||2||1||20|| |