man kahaa bisaari-o raam naam
bsMqu mhlw 9 ] (1186-17)basant mehlaa 9. Basant, Ninth Mehl: |
mn khw ibswirE rwm nwmu ] qnu ibnsY jm isau prY kwmu ]1] rhwau ] When the body perishes, you shall have to deal with the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause|| iehu jgu DUey kw phwr ] This world is just a hill of smoke. qY swcw mwinAw ikh ibcwir ]1] What makes you think that it is real? ||1|| Dnu dwrw sMpiq gRyh ] Wealth, spouse, property and household kCu sMig n cwlY smJ lyh ]2] - none of them shall go along with you; you must know that this is true! ||2|| iek Bgiq nwrwien hoie sMig ] Only devotion to the Lord shall go with you. khu nwnk Bju iqh eyk rMig ]3]4] Says Nanak, vibrate and meditate on the Lord with single-minded love. ||3||4|| |