maDhusoodan mayray man tan paraanaa
mwJ mhlw 4 ] (94-9)maajh mehlaa 4. Maajh, Fourth Mehl: |
mDusUdn myry mn qn pRwnw ] hau hir ibnu dUjw Avru n jwnw ] I do not know any other than the Lord. koeI sjxu sMqu imlY vfBwgI mY hir pRBu ipAwrw dsY jIau ]1] If only I could have the good fortune to meet some friendly Saint; he might show me the Way to my Beloved Lord God. ||1|| hau mnu qnu KojI Bwil BwlweI ] I have searched my mind and body, through and through. ikau ipAwrw pRIqmu imlY myrI mweI ] How can I meet my Darling Beloved, O my mother? imil sqsMgiq Koju dsweI ivic sMgiq hir pRBu vsY jIau ]2] Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I ask about the Path to God. In that Congregation, the Lord God abides. ||2|| myrw ipAwrw pRIqmu siqguru rKvwlw ] My Darling Beloved True Guru is my Protector. hm bwirk dIn krhu pRiqpwlw ] I am a helpless child-please cherish me. myrw mwq ipqw guru siqguru pUrw gur jl imil kmlu ivgsY jIau ]3] The Guru, the Perfect True Guru, is my Mother and Father. Obtaining the Water of the Guru, the lotus of my heart blossoms forth. ||3|| mY ibnu gur dyKy nId n AwvY ] Without seeing my Guru, sleep does not come. myry mn qin vydn gur ibrhu lgwvY ] My mind and body are afflicted with the pain of separation from the Guru. hir hir dieAw krhu guru mylhu jn nwnk gur imil rhsY jIau ]4]2] O Lord, Har, Har, show mercy to me, that I may meet my Guru. Meeting the Guru, servant Nanak blossoms forth. ||4||2|| |