mataa karai pachham kai taa-ee poorab hee lai jaat

gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (496-9)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

mqw krY pCm kY qweI pUrb hI lY jwq ]
mataa karai pachham kai taa-ee poorab hee lai jaat.
He decides to go to the west, but the Lord leads him away to the east.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw Awpn hwiQ mqwq ]1]
khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa aapan haath mataat. ||1||
In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes; He holds all matters in His hands. ||1||

isAwnp kwhU kwim n Awq ]
si-aanap kaahoo kaam na aat.
Cleverness is of no use at all.

jo AnrUipE Twkuir myrY hoie rhI auh bwq ]1] rhwau ]
jo anroopi-o thaakur mayrai ho-ay rahee uh baat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever my Lord and Master deems to be right - that alone comes to pass. ||1||Pause||

dysu kmwvn Dn jorn kI mnsw bIcy inksy sws ]
days kamaavan Dhan joran kee mansaa beechay niksay saas.
In his desire to acquire land and accumulate wealth, one's breath escapes him.

lskr nyb Kvws sB iqAwgy jm puir aUiT isDws ]2]
laskar nayb khavaas sabh ti-aagay jam pur ooth siDhaas. ||2||
He must leave all his armies, assistants and servants; rising up, he departs to the City of Death. ||2||

hoie An�in mnhT kI idRVqw Awps kau jwnwq ]
ho-ay annan manhath kee darirh-taa aapas ka-o jaanaat.
Believing himself to be unique, he clings to his stubborn mind, and shows himself off.

jo AinMdu inMdu kir CoifE soeI iPir iPir Kwq ]3]
jo anind nind kar chhodi-o so-ee fir fir khaat. ||3||
That food, which the blameless people have condemned and discarded, he eats again and again. ||3||

shj suBwie Bey ikrpwlw iqsu jn kI kwtI Pws ]
sahj subhaa-ay bha-ay kirpaalaa tis jan kee kaatee faas.
One, unto whom the Lord shows His natural mercy, has the noose of Death cut away from him.

khu nwnk guru pUrw ByitAw prvwxu igrsq audws ]4]4]5]
kaho naanak gur pooraa bhayti-aa parvaan girsat udaas. ||4||4||5||
Says Nanak, one who meets the Perfect Guru, is celebrated as a householder as well as a renunciate. ||4||4||5||