mataa karai pachham kai taa-ee poorab hee lai jaat
gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (496-9)goojree mehlaa 5. Goojaree, Fifth Mehl: |
mqw krY pCm kY qweI pUrb hI lY jwq ] iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw Awpn hwiQ mqwq ]1] In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes; He holds all matters in His hands. ||1|| isAwnp kwhU kwim n Awq ] Cleverness is of no use at all. jo AnrUipE Twkuir myrY hoie rhI auh bwq ]1] rhwau ] Whatever my Lord and Master deems to be right - that alone comes to pass. ||1||Pause|| dysu kmwvn Dn jorn kI mnsw bIcy inksy sws ] In his desire to acquire land and accumulate wealth, one's breath escapes him. lskr nyb Kvws sB iqAwgy jm puir aUiT isDws ]2] He must leave all his armies, assistants and servants; rising up, he departs to the City of Death. ||2|| hoie An�in mnhT kI idRVqw Awps kau jwnwq ] Believing himself to be unique, he clings to his stubborn mind, and shows himself off. jo AinMdu inMdu kir CoifE soeI iPir iPir Kwq ]3] That food, which the blameless people have condemned and discarded, he eats again and again. ||3|| shj suBwie Bey ikrpwlw iqsu jn kI kwtI Pws ] One, unto whom the Lord shows His natural mercy, has the noose of Death cut away from him. khu nwnk guru pUrw ByitAw prvwxu igrsq audws ]4]4]5] Says Nanak, one who meets the Perfect Guru, is celebrated as a householder as well as a renunciate. ||4||4||5|| |