manj kuchjee ammaavan dosrhay ha-o ki-o saho raavan jaa-o jee-o
rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 kucjI (762-6)raag soohee mehlaa 1 kuchjee Raag Soohee, First Mehl, Kuchajee ~ The Ungraceful Bride: |
mM\u kucjI AMmwvix fosVy hau ikau shu rwvix jwau jIau ] iek dU ieik cVMdIAw kauxu jwxY myrw nwau jIau ] Each of His soul-brides is better than the rest - who even knows my name? ijn@I sKI shu rwivAw sy AMbI CwvVIeyih jIau ] Those brides who enjoy their Husband Lord are very blessed, resting in the shade of the mango tree. sy gux mM\u n AwvnI hau kY jI dos Dryau jIau ] I do not have their virtue - who can I blame for this? ikAw gux qyry ivQrw hau ikAw ikAw iGnw qyrw nwau jIau ] Which of Your Virtues, O Lord, should I speak of? Which of Your Names should I chant? iekqu toil n AMbVw hau sd kurbwxY qyrY jwau jIau ] I cannot even reach one of Your Virtues. I am forever a sacrifice to You. suienw rupw rMgulw moqI qY mwixku jIau ] Gold, silver, pearls and rubies are pleasing. sy vsqU sih idqIAw mY iqn@ isau lwieAw icqu jIau ] My Husband Lord has blessed me with these things, and I have focused my thoughts on them. mMdr imtI sMdVy pQr kIqy rwis jIau ] Palaces of brick and mud are built and decorated with stones; hau eynI tolI BulIAsu iqsu kMq n bYTI pwis jIau ] I have been fooled by these decorations, and I do not sit near my Husband Lord. AMbir kUMjw kurlIAw bg bihTy Awie jIau ] The cranes shriek overhead in the sky, and the herons have come to rest. sw Dn clI swhurY ikAw muhu dysI AgY jwie jIau ] The bride has gone to her father-in-law's house; in the world hereafter, what face will she show? suqI suqI Jwlu QIAw BulI vwtVIAwsu jIau ] She kept sleeping as the day dawned; she forgot all about her journey. qY sh nwlhu muqIAsu duKw kUM DrIAwsu jIau ] She separated herself from her Husband Lord, and now she suffers in pain. quDu gux mY siB Avgxw iek nwnk kI Ardwis jIau ] Virtue is in You, O Lord; I am totally without virtue. This is Nanak's only prayer: siB rwqI sohwgxI mY fohwgix kweI rwiq jIau ]1] You give all Your nights to the virtuous soul-brides. I know I am unworthy, but isn't there a night for me as well? ||1|| |