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pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] (1346-15)parbhaatee mehlaa 3. Prabhaatee, Third Mehl: |
BY Bwie jwgy sy jn jwgRx krih haumY mYlu auqwir ] sdw jwgih Gru Apxw rwKih pMc qskr kwFih mwir ]1] They remain awake and aware forever, and protect their homes, by beating and driving out the five thieves. ||1|| mn myry gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] O my mind, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ijqu mwrig hir pweIAY mn syeI krm kmwie ]1] rhwau ] O mind, do only those deeds which will lead you to the Path of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| gurmuiK shj Duin aUpjY duKu haumY ivchu jwie ] The celestial melody wells up in the Gurmukh, and the pains of egotism are taken away. hir nwmw hir min vsY shjy hir gux gwie ]2] The Name of the Lord abides in the mind, as one intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2|| gurmqI muK sohxy hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ] Those who follow the Guru's Teachings - their faces are radiant and beautiful. They keep the Lord enshrined in their hearts. AYQY EQY suKu Gxw jip hir hir auqry pwir ]3] Here and hereafter, they find absolute peace; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, they are carried across to the other shore. ||3|| haumY ivic jwgRxu n hoveI hir Bgiq n pveI Qwie ] In egotism, one cannot remain awake and aware, and one's devotional worship of the Lord is not accepted. mnmuK dir FoeI nw lhih Bwie dUjY krm kmwie ]4] The self-willed manmukhs find no place in the Court of the Lord; they do their deeds in the love of duality. ||4|| iDRgu Kwxw iDRgu pYn@xw ijn@w dUjY Bwie ipAwru ] Cursed is the food, and cursed are the clothes, of those who are attached to the love of duality. ibstw ky kIVy ibstw rwqy mir jMmih hoih KuAwru ]5] They are like maggots in manure, sinking into manure. In death and rebirth, they are wasted away to ruin. ||5|| ijn kau siqguru ByitAw iqnw ivthu bil jwau ] I am a sacrifice to those who meet with the True Guru. iqn kI sMgiq imil rhW scy sic smwau ]6] I shall continue to associate with them; devoted to Truth, I am absorbed in Truth. ||6|| pUrY Bwig guru pweIAY aupwie ikqY n pwieAw jwie ] By perfect destiny, the Guru is found. He cannot be found by any efforts. siqgur qy shju aUpjY haumY sbid jlwie ]7] Through the True Guru, intuitive wisdom wells up; through the Word of the Shabad, egotism is burnt away. ||7|| hir srxweI Bju mn myry sB ikCu krxY jogu ] O my mind, hurry to the Sanctuary of the Lord; He is Potent to do everything. nwnk nwmu n vIsrY jo ikCu krY su hogu ]8]2]7]2]9] O Nanak, never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Whatever He does, comes to pass. ||8||2||7||2||9|| |