bhai ka-o bha-o parhi-aa simrat har naam
BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1151-7)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: |
BY kau Bau piVAw ismrq hir nwm ] sgl ibAwiD imtI iqRhu gux kI dws ky hoey pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ] All the diseases of the three gunas - the three qualities - are cured, and tasks of the Lord's slaves are perfectly accomplished. ||1||Pause|| hir ky lok sdw gux gwvih iqn kau imilAw pUrn Dwm ] The people of the Lord always sing His Glorious Praises; they attain His Perfect Mansion. jn kw drsu bWCY idn rwqI hoie punIq Drm rwie jwm ]1] Even the Righteous Judge of Dharma and the Messenger of Death yearn, day and night, to be sanctified by the Blessed Vision of the Lord's humble servant. ||1|| kwm k®oD loB md inMdw swDsMig imitAw AiBmwn ] Sexual desire, anger, intoxication, egotism, slander and egotistical pride are eradicted in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. AYsy sMq Bytih vfBwgI nwnk iqn kY sd kurbwn ]2]39]52] By great good fortune, such Saints are met. Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||2||39||52|| |