ih man santan kai balihaaree
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (889-4)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
Bytq sMig pwrbRhmu iciq AwieAw ] sMgiq krq sMqoKu min pwieAw ] In the Sangat, my mind has found contentment. sMqh crn mwQw myro pauq ] I touch my forehead to the feet of the Saints. Aink bwr sMqh fMfauq ]1] Countless times, I humbly bow to the Saints. ||1|| iehu mnu sMqn kY bilhwrI ] This mind is a sacrifice to the Saints; jw kI Et ghI suKu pwieAw rwKy ikrpw DwrI ]1] rhwau ] holding tight to their support, I have found peace, and in their mercy, they have protected me. ||1||Pause|| sMqh crx Doie Doie pIvw ] I wash the feet of the Saints, and drink in that water. sMqh drsu pyiK pyiK jIvw ] Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Saints' Darshan, I live. sMqh kI myrY min Aws ] My mind rests its hopes in the Saints. sMq hmwrI inrml rwis ]2] The Saints are my immaculate wealth. ||2|| sMq hmwrw rwiKAw pVdw ] The Saints have covered my faults. sMq pRswid moih kbhU n kVdw ] By the Grace of the Saints, I am no longer tormented. sMqh sMgu dIAw ikrpwl ] The Merciful Lord has blessed me with the Saints' Congregation. sMq shweI Bey dieAwl ]3] The Compassionate Saints have become my help and support. ||3|| suriq miq buiD prgwsu ] My consciousness, intellect and wisdom have been enlightened. gihr gMBIr Apwr guxqwsu ] The Lord is profound, unfathomable, infinite, the treasure of virtue. jIA jMq sgly pRiqpwl ] He cherishes all beings and creatures. nwnk sMqh dyiK inhwl ]4]10]21] Nanak is enraptured, seeing the Saints. ||4||10||21|| |