har darsan dayh har aas tumaaree
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 4 ] (164-15)ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 4. Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl: |
BIKk pRIiq BIK pRB pwie ] BUKy pRIiq hovY AMnu Kwie ] The hungry person loves to eat food. gurisK pRIiq gur imil AwGwie ]1] The GurSikh loves to find satisfaction by meeting the Guru. ||1|| hir drsnu dyhu hir Aws qumwrI ] O Lord, grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; I place my hopes in You, Lord. kir ikrpw loc pUir hmwrI ]1] rhwau ] Shower me with Your Mercy, and fulfill my longing. ||1||Pause|| ckvI pRIiq sUrju muiK lwgY ] The song-bird loves the sun shining in her face. imlY ipAwry sB duK iqAwgY ] Meeting her Beloved, all her pains are left behind. gurisK pRIiq gurU muiK lwgY ]2] The GurSikh loves to gaze upon the Face of the Guru. ||2|| bCry pRIiq KIru muiK Kwie ] The calf loves to suck its mother's milk; ihrdY ibgsY dyKY mwie ] its heart blossoms forth upon seeing its mother. gurisK pRIiq gurU muiK lwie ]3] The GurSikh loves to gaze upon the Face of the Guru. ||3|| horu sB pRIiq mwieAw mohu kwcw ] All other loves and emotional attachment to Maya are false. ibnis jwie kUrw kcu pwcw ] They shall pass away, like false and transitory decorations. jn nwnk pRIiq iqRpiq guru swcw ]4]4]42] Servant Nanak is fulfilled, through the Love of the True Guru. ||4||4||42|| |