mayray raam har jan kai ha-o bal jaa-ee

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (749-1)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

BwgTVy hir sMq qum@wry ijn@ Gir Dnu hir nwmw ]
bhaagtharhay har sant tumHaaray jinH ghar Dhan har naamaa.
Your Saints are very fortunate; their homes are filled with the wealth of the Lord's Name.

prvwxu gxI syeI ieh Awey sPl iqnw ky kwmw ]1]
parvaan ganee say-ee ih aa-ay safal tinaa kay kaamaa. ||1||
Their birth is approved, and their actions are fruitful. ||1||

myry rwm hir jn kY hau bil jweI ]
mayray raam har jan kai ha-o bal jaa-ee.
O my Lord, I am a sacrifice to the humble servants of the Lord.

kysw kw kir cvru Fulwvw crx DUiV muiK lweI ]1] rhwau ]
kaysaa kaa kar chavar dhulaavaa charan Dhoorh mukh laa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I make my hair into a fan, and wave it over them; I apply the dust of their feet to my face. ||1||Pause||

jnm mrx duhhU mih nwhI jn praupkwrI Awey ]
janam maran duhhoo meh naahee jan par-upkaaree aa-ay.
Those generous, humble beings are above both birth and death.

jIA dwnu dy BgqI lwiein hir isau lYin imlwey ]2]
jee-a daan day bhagtee laa-in har si-o lain milaa-ay. ||2||
They give the gift of the soul, and practice devotional worship; they inspire others to meet the Lord. ||2||

scw Amru scI pwiqswhI scy syqI rwqy ]
sachaa amar sachee paatisaahee sachay saytee raatay.
True are their commands, and true are their empires; they are attuned to the Truth.

scw suKu scI vifAweI ijs ky sy iqin jwqy ]3]
sachaa sukh sachee vadi-aa-ee jis kay say tin jaatay. ||3||
True is their happiness, and true is their greatness. They know the Lord, to whom they belong. ||3||

pKw PyrI pwxI Fovw hir jn kY pIsxu pIis kmwvw ]
pakhaa fayree paanee dhovaa har jan kai peesan pees kamaavaa.
I wave the fan over them, carry water for them, and grind corn for the humble servants of the Lord.

nwnk kI pRB pwis byn�qI qyry jn dyKxu pwvw ]4]7]54]
naanak kee parabh paas baynantee tayray jan daykhan paavaa. ||4||7||54||
Nanak offers this prayer to God - please, grant me the sight of Your humble servants. ||4||7||54||