bhaag sulakh-naa har kant hamaaraa raam
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (846-7)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
Bwg sulKxw hir kMqu hmwrw rwm ] Anhd bwijqRw iqsu Duin drbwrw rwm ] The unstruck sound current vibrates and resounds in the Court of the Lord. Awn�d Anidnu vjih vwjy idnsu rYix aumwhw ] Night and day, the sounds of ecstasy resound and resonate; day and night, I am enraptured. qh rog sog n dUKu ibAwpY jnm mrxu n qwhw ] Disease, sorrow and suffering do not afflict anyone there; there is no birth or death there. iriD isiD suDw rsu AMimRqu Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] There are treasures overflowing there - wealth, miraculous powers, ambrosial nectar and devotional worship. ibnvMiq nwnk bilhwir vM\w pwrbRhm pRwn ADwrw ]1] Prays Nanak, I am a sacrifice, devoted to the Supreme Lord God, the Support of the breath of life. ||1|| suix sKIA shylVIho imil mMglu gwvh rwm ] Listen, O my companions, and sister soul-brides, let's join together and sing the songs of joy. min qin pRymu kry iqsu pRB kau rwvh rwm ] Loving our God with mind and body, let's ravish and enjoy Him. kir pRymu rwvh iqsY Bwvh iek inmK plk n iqAwgIAY ] Lovingly enjoying Him, we become pleasing to Him; let's not reject Him, for a moment, even for an instant. gih kMiT lweIAY nh ljweIAY crn rj mnu pwgIAY ] Let's hug Him close in our embrace, and not feel shy; let's bathe our minds in the dust of His feet. Bgiq TgaurI pwie mohh Anq kqhU n Dwvh ] With the intoxicating drug of devotional worship, let's entice Him, and not wander anywhere else. ibnvMiq nwnk imil sMig swjn Amr pdvI pwvh ]2] Prays Nanak, meeting with our True Friend, we attain the immortal status. ||2|| ibsmn ibsm BeI pyiK gux AibnwsI rwm ] I am wonder-struck and amazed, gazing upon the Glories of my Imperishable Lord. kru gih Bujw ghI kit jm kI PwsI rwm ] He took my hand, and held my arm, and cut away the noose of Death. gih Bujw lIn@I dwis kIn@I AMkuir audoqu jxwieAw ] Holding me by the arm, He made me His slave; the branch has sprouted in abundance. mln moh ibkwr nwTy idvs inrml AwieAw ] Pollution, attachment and corruption have run away; the immaculate day has dawned. idRsit DwrI min ipAwrI mhw durmiq nwsI ] Casting His Glance of Grace, the Lord loves me with His Mind; my immense evil-mindedness is dispelled. ibnvMiq nwnk BeI inrml pRB imly AibnwsI ]3] Prays Nanak, I have become immaculate and pure; I have met the Imperishable Lord God. ||3|| |