bhav khandan dukh bhanjan savaamee bhagat vachhal nirankaaray
DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 1 caupdy (670-12)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 ghar 1 cha-upday Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas: |
Bv KMfn duK BMjn sÍwmI Bgiq vCl inrMkwry ] koit prwD imty iKn BIqir jW gurmuiK nwmu smwry ]1] Millions of sins are eradicated in an instant when, as Gurmukh, one contemplates the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1|| myrw mnu lwgw hY rwm ipAwry ] My mind is attached to my Beloved Lord. dIn dieAwil krI pRiB ikrpw vis kIny pMc dUqwry ]1] rhwau ] God, Merciful to the meek, granted His Grace, and placed the five enemies under my control. ||1||Pause|| qyrw Qwnu suhwvw rUpu suhwvw qyry Bgq sohih drbwry ] Your place is so beautiful; Your form is so beautiful; Your devotees look so beautiful in Your Court. srb jIAw ky dwqy suAwmI kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry ]2] O Lord and Master, Giver of all beings, please, grant Your Grace, and save me. ||2|| qyrw vrnu n jwpY rUpu n lKIAY qyrI kudriq kaunu bIcwry ] Your color is not known, and Your form is not seen; who can contemplate Your Almighty Creative Power? jil Qil mhIAil rivAw sRb TweI Agm rUp igrDwry ]3] You are contained in the water, the land and the sky, everywhere, O Lord of unfathomable form, Holder of the mountain. ||3|| kIriq krih sgl jn qyrI qU AibnwsI purKu murwry ] All beings sing Your Praises; You are the imperishable Primal Being, the Destroyer of ego. ijau BwvY iqau rwKhu suAwmI jn nwnk srin duAwry ]4]1] As it pleases You, please protect and preserve me; servant Nanak seeks Sanctuary at Your Door. ||4||1|| |