bhagat janaa kee har jee-o raakhai jug jug rakh-daa aa-i-aa raam
rwgu sUhI mhlw 3 Gru 3 ] (768-9)raag soohee mehlaa 3 ghar 3. Raag Soohee, Third Mehl, Third House: |
Bgq jnw kI hir jIau rwKY juig juig rKdw AwieAw rwm ] so Bgqu jo gurmuiK hovY haumY sbid jlwieAw rwm ] Those devotees who become Gurmukh burn away their ego, through the Word of the Shabad. haumY sbid jlwieAw myry hir BwieAw ijs dI swcI bwxI ] Those who burn away their ego through the Shabad, become pleasing to my Lord; their speech becomes True. scI Bgiq krih idnu rwqI gurmuiK AwiK vKwxI ] They perform the Lord's true devotional service, day and night, as the Guru has instructed them. Bgqw kI cwl scI Aiq inrml nwmu scw min BwieAw ] The devotees' lifestyle is true, and absolutely pure; the True Name is pleasing to their minds. nwnk Bgq sohih dir swcY ijnI sco scu kmwieAw ]1] O Nanak, the those devotees, who practice Truth, and only Truth, look beauteous in the Court of the True Lord. ||1|| hir Bgqw kI jwiq piq hY Bgq hir kY nwim smwxy rwm ] The Lord is the social class and honor of His devotees; the Lord's devotees merge in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. hir Bgiq krih ivchu Awpu gvwvih ijn gux Avgx pCwxy rwm ] They worship the Lord in devotion, and eradicate self-conceit from within themselves; they understand merits and demerits. gux Aaugx pCwxY hir nwmu vKwxY BY Bgiq mITI lwgI ] They understand merits and demerits, and chant the Lord's Name; devotional worship is sweet to them. Anidnu Bgiq krih idnu rwqI Gr hI mih bYrwgI ] Night and day, they perform devotional worship, day and night, and in the home of the self, they remain detached. BgqI rwqy sdw mnu inrmlu hir jIau vyKih sdw nwly ] Imbued with devotion, their minds remain forever immaculate and pure; they see their Dear Lord always with them. nwnk sy Bgq hir kY dir swcy Anidnu nwmu sm@wly ]2] O Nanak, those devotees are True in the Court of the Lord; night and day, they dwell upon the Naam. ||2|| mnmuK Bgiq krih ibnu siqgur ivxu siqgur Bgiq n hoeI rwm ] The self-willed manmukhs practice devotional rituals without the True Guru, but without the True Guru, there is no devotion. haumY mwieAw roig ivAwpy mir jnmih duKu hoeI rwm ] They are afflicted with the diseases of egotism and Maya, and they suffer the pains of death and rebirth. mir jnmih duKu hoeI dUjY Bwie prj ivgoeI ivxu gur qqu n jwinAw ] The world suffers the pains of death and rebirth, and through the love of duality, it is ruined; without the Guru, the essence of reality is not known. Bgiq ivhUxw sBu jgu BrimAw AMiq gieAw pCuqwinAw ] Without devotional worship, everyone in the world is deluded and confused, and in the end, they depart with regrets. koit mDy iknY pCwixAw hir nwmw scu soeI ] Among millions, there is scarcely one who realizes the Name of the True Lord. nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI dUjY Bwie piq KoeI ]3] O Nanak, through the Naam, greatness is obtained; in the love of duality, all honor is lost. ||3|| Bgqw kY Gir kwrju swcw hir gux sdw vKwxy rwm ] In the home of the devotees, is the joy of true marriage; they chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever. Bgiq Kjwnw Awpy dIAw kwlu kMtku mwir smwxy rwm ] He Himself blesses them with the treasure of devotion; conquering the thorny pain of death, they merge in the Lord. kwlu kMtku mwir smwxy hir min Bwxy nwmu inDwnu scu pwieAw ] Conquering the thorny pain of death, they merge in the Lord; they are pleasing to the Lord's Mind, and they obtain the true treasure of the Naam. sdw AKutu kdy n inKutY hir dIAw shij suBwieAw ] This treasure is inexhaustible; it will never be exhausted. The Lord automatically blesses them with it. hir jn aUcy sd hI aUcy gur kY sbid suhwieAw ] The humble servants of the Lord are exalted and elevated, forever on high; they are adorned with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. nwnk Awpy bKis imlwey juig juig soBw pwieAw ]4]1]2] O Nanak, He Himself forgives them, and merges them with Himself; throughout the ages, they are glorified. ||4||1||2|| |