ham moorakh ka-o har kirpaa karee
BYrau mhlw 4 ] (1134-5)bhairo mehlaa 4. Bhairao, Fourth Mehl: |
boil hir nwmu sPl sw GrI ] gur aupdyis siB duK prhrI ]1] Following the Guru's Teachings, all pains are taken away. ||1|| myry mn hir Bju nwmu nrhrI ] O my mind, vibrate the Name of the Lord. kir ikrpw mylhu guru pUrw sqsMgiq sMig isMDu Bau qrI ]1] rhwau ] O Lord, be merciful, and unite me with the Perfect Guru. Joining with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause|| jgjIvnu iDAwie min hir ismrI ] Meditate on the Life of the World; remember the Lord in your mind. kot kotMqr qyry pwp prhrI ]2] Millions upon millions of your sins shall be taken away. ||2|| sqsMgiq swD DUir muiK prI ] In the Sat Sangat, apply the dust of the feet of the holy to your face; iesnwnu kIE ATsiT sursrI ]3] this is how to bathe in the sixty-eight sacred shrines, and the Ganges. ||3|| hm mUrK kau hir ikrpw krI ] I am a fool; the Lord has shown mercy to me. jnu nwnku qwirE qwrx hrI ]4]2] The Savior Lord has saved servant Nanak. ||4||2|| |