sun man tan tujh sukh dikhlaava-o
sUhI mhlw 5 ] (742-12)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: |
bYkuMT ngru jhw sMq vwsw ] pRB crx kml ird mwih invwsw ]1] They enshrine the Lotus Feet of God within their hearts. ||1|| suix mn qn quJu suKu idKlwvau ] Listen, O my mind and body, and let me show you the way to find peace, hir Aink ibMjn quJu Bog BuMcwvau ]1] rhwau ] so that you may eat and enjoy the various delicacies of the Lord||1||Pause|| AMimRq nwmu BuMcu mn mwhI ] Taste the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your mind. Acrj swd qw ky brny n jwhI ]2] Its taste is wondrous - it cannot be described. ||2|| loBu mUAw iqRsnw buiJ QwkI ] Your greed shall die, and your thirst shall be quenched. pwrbRhm kI srix jn qwkI ]3] The humble beings seek the Sanctuary of the Supreme Lord God. ||3|| jnm jnm ky BY moh invwry ] The Lord dispels the fears and attachments of countless incarnations. nwnk dws pRB ikrpw Dwry ]4]21]27] God has showered His Mercy and Grace upon slave Nanak. ||4||21||27|| |