birthaa bharvaasaa lok.
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (896-13)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
ibrQw Brvwsw lok ] Twkur pRB qyrI tyk ] O God, my Lord and Master, You are my only Support. Avr CUtI sB Aws ] I have discarded all other hopes. AicMq Twkur Byty guxqws ]1] I have met with my carefree Lord and Master, the treasure of virtue. ||1|| eyko nwmu iDAwie mn myry ] Meditate on the Name of the Lord alone, O my mind. kwrju qyrw hovY pUrw hir hir hir gux gwie mn myry ]1] rhwau ] Your affairs shall be perfectly resolved; sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, O my mind. ||1||Pause|| qum hI kwrn krn ] You are the Doer, the Cause of causes. crn kml hir srn ] Your lotus feet, Lord, are my Sanctuary. min qin hir EhI iDAwieAw ] I meditate on the Lord in my mind and body. Awn�d hir rUp idKwieAw ]2] The blissful Lord has revealed His form to me. ||2|| iqs hI kI Et sdIv ] I seek His eternal support; jw ky kIny hY jIv ] He is the Creator of all beings. ismrq hir krq inDwn ] Remembering the Lord in meditation, the treasure is obtained. rwKnhwr indwn ]3] At the very last instant, He shall be your Savior. ||3|| srb kI ryx hovIjY ] Be the dust of all men's feet. Awpu imtwie imlIjY ] Eradicate self-conceit, and merge in the Lord. Anidnu iDAweIAY nwmu ] Night and day, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. sPl nwnk iehu kwmu ]4]33]44] O Nanak, this is the most rewarding activity. ||4||33||44|| |