binsai moh mayraa ar tayraa binsai apnee Dhaaree.
soriT mhlw 5 pMcpdw ] (616-16)sorath mehlaa 5 panchpadaa. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Padas: |
ibnsY mohu myrw Aru qyrw ibnsY ApnI DwrI ]1] sMqhu iehw bqwvhu kwrI ] O Saints, show me such a way, ijqu haumY grbu invwrI ]1] rhwau ] by which my egotism and pride might be eliminated. ||1||Pause|| srb BUq pwrbRhmu kir mwinAw hovW sgl rynwrI ]2] I see the Supreme Lord God in all beings, and I am the dust of all. ||2|| pyiKE pRB jIau ApunY sMgy cUkY BIiq BRmwrI ]3] I see God always with me, and the wall of doubt has been shattered. ||3|| AauKDu nwmu inrml jlu AMimRqu pweIAY gurU duAwrI ]4] The medicine of the Naam, and the Immaculate Water of Ambrosial Nectar, are obtained through the Guru's Gate. ||4|| khu nwnk ijsu msqik iliKAw iqsu gur imil rog ibdwrI ]5]17]28] Says Nanak, one who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead, meets with the Guru, and his diseases are cured. ||5||17||28|| |