thaan pavitaraa maan pavitaraa pavitar sunan kehanhaaray
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1215-5)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
ibnu pRB rhnu n jwie GrI ] srb sUK qwhU kY pUrn jw kY suKu hY hrI ]1] rhwau ] One who finds joy in the Lord finds total peace and perfection. ||1||Pause|| mMgl rUp pRwn jIvn Dn ismrq And Gnw ] God is the Embodiment of bliss, the Breath of Life and Wealth; remembering Him in meditation, I am blessed with absolute bliss. vf smrQu sdw sd sMgy gun rsnw kvn Bnw ]1] He is utterly All-powerful, with me forever and ever; what tongue can utter His Glorious Praises? ||1|| Qwn pivqRw mwn pivqRw pivqR sunn khnhwry ] His Place is sacred, and His Glory is sacred; sacred are those who listen and speak of Him. khu nwnk qy Bvn pivqRw jw mih sMq qum@wry ]2]32]55] Says Nanak, that dwelling is sacred, in which Your Saints live. ||2||32||55|| |