bisrat naahi man tay haree
kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 5 (1120-19)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 ghar 5 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House: |
ibsrq nwih mn qy hrI ] Ab ieh pRIiq mhw pRbl BeI Awn ibKY jrI ] rhwau ] This love has now become very strong; it has burnt away other corruption. ||Pause|| bUMd khw iqAwig cwiqRk mIn rhq n GrI ] How can the rainbird forsake the rain-drop? The fish cannot survive without water, even for an instant. gun gopwl aucwru rsnw tyv eyh prI ]1] My tongue chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World; this has become part of my very nature. ||1|| mhw nwd kurMk moihE byiD qIKn srI ] The deer is fascinated by the sound of the bell, and so it is shot with the sharp arrow. pRB crn kml rswl nwnk gwiT bwiD DrI ]2]1]9] God's Lotus Feet are the Source of Nectar; O Nanak, I am tied to them by a knot. ||2||1||9|| |