baapaar govind naa-ay
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (408-11)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
bwpwir goivMd nwey ] swD sMq mnwey ipRA pwey gun gwey pMc nwd qUr bjwey ]1] rhwau ] and pleasing the Saints and holy men, obtain the Beloved Lord and sing His Glorious Praises; play the sound current of the Naad with the five instruments. ||1||Pause|| ikrpw pwey shjwey drswey Ab rwiqAw goivMd isau ] Obtaining His Mercy, I easily gained the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; now, I am imbued with the Love of the Lord of the Universe. sMq syiv pRIiq nwQ rMgu lwln lwey ]1] Serving the Saints, I feel love and affection for my Beloved Lord Master. ||1|| gur igAwnu min idRVwey rhswey nhI Awey shjwey min inDwnu pwey ] The Guru has implanted spiritual wisdom within my mind, and I rejoice that I shall not have to come back again. I have obtained celestial poise, and the treasure within my mind. sB qjI mnY kI kwm krw ] I have renounced all of the affairs of my mind's desires. icru icru icru icru BieAw min bhuqu ipAws lwgI ] It has been so long, so long, so long, so very long, since my mind has felt such a great thirst. hir drsno idKwvhu moih qum bqwvhu ] Please, reveal to me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, and show Yourself to me. nwnk dIn srix Awey gil lwey ]2]2]153] Nanak the meek has entered Your Sanctuary; please, take me in Your embrace. ||2||2||153|| |