maanak paa-i-o ray paa-i-o har pooraa paa-i-aa thaa
mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1002-3)maaroo mehlaa 5. Maaroo, Fifth Mehl: |
bwhir FUFn qy CUit pry guir Gr hI mwih idKwieAw Qw ] AnBau Acrj rUpu pRB pyiKAw myrw mnu Coif n kqhU jwieAw Qw ]1] I have seen God, fearless, of wondrous beauty; my mind shall never leave Him to go anywhere else. ||1|| mwnku pwieE ry pwieE hir pUrw pwieAw Qw ] I have found the jewel; I have found the Perfect Lord. moil Amolu n pwieAw jweI kir ikrpw gurU idvwieAw Qw ]1] rhwau ] The invaluable value cannot be obtained; in His Mercy, the Guru bestows it. ||1||Pause|| Aidstu Agocru pwrbRhmu imil swDU AkQu kQwieAw Qw ] The Supreme Lord God is imperceptible and unfathomable; meeting the Holy Saint, I speak the Unspoken Speech. Anhd sbdu dsm duAwir vijE qh AMimRq nwmu cuAwieAw Qw ]2] The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates and resounds in the Tenth Gate; the Ambrosial Naam trickles down there. ||2|| qoit nwhI min iqRsnw bUJI AKut BMfwr smwieAw Qw ] I lack nothing; the thirsty desires of my mind are satisfied. The inexhaustible treasure has entered into my being. crx crx crx gur syvy AGVu GiVE rsu pwieAw Qw ]3] I serve the feet, the feet, the feet of the Guru, and manage the unmanageable. I have found the juice, the sublime essence. ||3|| shjy Awvw shjy jwvw shjy mnu KylwieAw Qw ] Intuitively I come, and intuively I go; my mind intuitively plays. khu nwnk Brmu guir KoieAw qw hir mhlI mhlu pwieAw Qw ]4]3]12] Says Nanak, when the Guru drives out doubt, then the soul-bride enters the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||4||3||12|| |