baras saras aagi-aa
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1272-11)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
brsu srsu AwigAw ] hoih Awn�d sgl Bwg ]1] rhwau ] Bless me with total bliss and good fortune. ||1||Pause|| sMq sMgy mnu prPVY imil myG Dr suhwg ]1] My mind blossoms forth in the Society of the Saints; soaking up the rain, the earth is blessed and beautified. ||1|| GnGor pRIiq mor ] The peacock loves the thunder of the rain clouds. icqu cwiqRk bUMd Er ] The rainbird's mind is drawn to the rain-drop AYso hir sMgy mn moh ] - so is my mind enticed by the Lord. iqAwig mwieAw Doh ] I have renounced Maya, the deceiver. imil sMq nwnk jwigAw ]2]5]27] Joining with the Saints, Nanak is awakened. ||2||5||27|| |