har jan simri-aa naam aDhaar
soriT mhlw 5 ] (620-5)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
bKisAw pwrbRhm prmysir sgly rog ibdwry ] gur pUry kI srxI aubry kwrj sgl svwry ]1] Those who come to the Sanctuary of the True Guru are saved, and all their affairs are resolved. ||1|| hir jin ismirAw nwm ADwir ] The Lord's humble servant meditates in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is his only support. qwpu auqwirAw siqguir pUrY ApxI ikrpw Dwir ] rhwau ] The Perfect True Guru extended His Mercy, and the fever has been dispelled. ||Pause|| sdw An�d krh myry ipAwry hir goivdu guir rwiKAw ] So celebrate and be happy, my beloveds - the Guru has saved Hargobind. vfI vifAweI nwnk krqy kI swcu sbdu siq BwiKAw ]2]18]46] Great is the glorious greatness of the Creator, O Nanak; True is the Word of His Shabad, and True is the sermon of His Teachings. ||2||18||46|| |