banDhan tay chhutkaavai parabhoo milaavai har har naam sunaavai
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (674-10)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
bMDn qy CutkwvY pRBU imlwvY hir hir nwmu sunwvY ] AsiQru kry inhclu iehu mnUAw bhuir n kqhU DwvY ]1] and make this mind steady and stable, so that it no longer wanders around? ||1|| hY koaU AYso hmrw mIqu ] Do I have any such friend? sgl smgRI jIau hIau dyau Arpau Apno cIqu ]1] rhwau ] I would give him all my property, my soul and my heart; I would devote my consciousness to him. ||1||Pause|| pr Dn pr qn pr kI inMdw ien isau pRIiq n lwgY ] Others' wealth, others' bodies, and the slander of others - do not attach your love to them. sMqh sMgu sMq sMBwKnu hir kIrqin mnu jwgY ]2] Associate with the Saints, speak with the Saints, and keep your mind awake to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||2|| gux inDwn dieAwl purK pRB srb sUK dieAwlw ] God is the treasure of virtue, kind and compassionate, the source of all comfort. mwgY dwnu nwmu qyro nwnku ijau mwqw bwl gupwlw ]3]14] Nanak begs for the gift of Your Name; O Lord of the world, love him, like the mother loves her child. ||3||14|| |