pooray gur tay vadi-aa-ee paa-ee
iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (798-9)bilaaval mehlaa 3. Bilaaval, Third Mehl: |
pUry gur qy vifAweI pweI ] AicMq nwmu visAw min AweI ] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, has spontaneously come to abide in my mind. haumY mwieAw sbid jlweI ] Through the Word of the Shabad, I have burnt away egotism and Maya. dir swcY gur qy soBw pweI ]1] Through the Guru, I have obtained honor in the Court of the True Lord. ||1|| jgdIs syvau mY Avru n kwjw ] I serve the Lord of the Universe; I have no other work to do. Anidnu Andu hovY min myrY gurmuiK mwgau qyrw nwmu invwjw ]1] rhwau ] Night and day, my mind is in ecstasy; as Gurmukh, I beg for the bliss-giving Naam. ||1||Pause|| mn kI prqIiq mn qy pweI ] From the mind itself, mental faith is obtained. pUry gur qy sbid buJweI ] Through the Guru, I have realized the Shabad. jIvx mrxu ko smsir vyKY ] How rare is that person, who looks upon life and death alike. bhuiV n mrY nw jmu pyKY ]2] She shall never die again, and shall not have to see the Messenger of Death. ||2|| Gr hI mih siB kot inDwn ] Within the home of the self are all the millions of treasures. siqguir idKwey gieAw AiBmwnu ] The True Guru has revealed them, and my egotistical pride is gone. sd hI lwgw shij iDAwn ] I keep my meditation always focused on the Cosmic Lord. Anidnu gwvY eyko nwm ]3] Night and day, I sing the One Name. ||3|| iesu jug mih vifAweI pweI ] I have obtained glorious greatness in this age, pUry gur qy nwmu iDAweI ] from the Perfect Guru, meditating on the Naam. jh dyKw qh rihAw smweI ] Wherever I look, I see the Lord permeating and pervading. sdw suKdwqw kImiq nhI pweI ]4] He is forever the Giver of peace; His worth cannot be estimated. ||4|| pUrY Bwig guru pUrw pwieAw ] By perfect destiny, I have found the Perfect Guru. AMqir nwmu inDwnu idKwieAw ] He has revealed to me the treasure of the Naam, deep within the nucleus of my self. gur kw sbdu Aiq mITw lwieAw ] The Word of the Guru's Shabad is so very sweet. nwnk iqRsn buJI min qin suKu pwieAw ]5]6]4]6]10] O Nanak, my thirst is quenched, and my mind and body have found peace. ||5||6||4||6||10|| |