baabaa mai karamheen koorhi-aar
rwgu mwrU mhlw 1 Gru 1 caupdy ] (989-5)raag maaroo mehlaa 1 ghar 1 cha-upday Raag Maaroo, First Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas: |
ipChu rwqI sdVw nwmu Ksm kw lyih ] Kymy CqR srwiecy idsin rQ pIVy ] Tents, canopies, pavilions and carriages are prepared and made ready for them. ijnI qyrw nwmu iDAwieAw iqn kau sid imly ]1] You send out the call, Lord, to those who meditate on Your Name. ||1|| bwbw mY krmhIx kUiVAwr ] Father, I am unfortunate, a fraud. nwmu n pwieAw qyrw AMDw Brim BUlw mnu myrw ]1] rhwau ] I have not found Your Name; my mind is blind and deluded by doubt. ||1||Pause|| swd kIqy duK prPuVy pUrib ilKy mwie ] I have enjoyed the tastes, and now my pains have come to fruition; such is my pre-ordained destiny, O my mother. suK QoVy duK Agly dUKy dUiK ivhwie ]2] Now my joys are few, and my pains are many. In utter agony, I pass my life. ||2|| ivCuiVAw kw ikAw vICuVY imilAw kw ikAw mylu ] What separation could be worse than separation from the Lord? For those who are united with Him, what other union can there be? swihbu so swlwhIAY ijin kir dyiKAw Kylu ]3] Praise the Lord and Master, who, having created this play, beholds it. ||3|| sMjogI mylwvVw iein qin kIqy Bog ] By good destiny, this union comes about; this body enjoys its pleasures. ivjogI imil ivCuVy nwnk BI sMjog ]4]1] Those who have lost their destiny, suffer separation from this union. O Nanak, they may still be united once again! ||4||1|| |