mahimaa saaDhoo sang kee sunhu mayray meetaa
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (809-17)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
ipMgul prbq pwir pry Kl cqur bkIqw ] AMDuly iqRBvx sUiJAw gur Byit punIqw ]1] and the blind man sees the three worlds, by meeting with the True Guru and being purified. ||1|| mihmw swDU sMg kI sunhu myry mIqw ] This is the Glory of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; listen, O my friends. mYlu KoeI koit AG hry inrml Bey cIqw ]1] rhwau ] Filth is washed away, millions of sins are dispelled, and the consciousness becomes immaculate and pure. ||1||Pause|| AYsI Bgiq goivMd kI kIit hsqI jIqw ] Such is devotional worship of the Lord of the Universe, that the ant can overpower the elephant. jo jo kIno Awpno iqsu ABY dwnu dIqw ]2] Whoever the Lord makes His own, is blessed with the gift of fearlessness. ||2|| isMGu iblweI hoie gieE iqRxu myru idKIqw ] The lion becomes a cat, and the mountain looks like a blade of grass. sRmu krqy dm AwF kau qy gnI DnIqw ]3] Those who worked for half a shell, will be judged very wealthy. ||3|| kvn vfweI kih skau byAMq gunIqw ] What glorious greatness of Yours can I describe, O Lord of infinite excellences? kir ikrpw moih nwmu dyhu nwnk dr srIqw ]4]7]37] Please bless me with Your Mercy, and grant me Your Name; O Nanak, I am lost without the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||4||7||37|| |